Create New Machines

If your company has an idea to create a new process or equipment that will enhance and improve your workflow, then SSMD will meet with you and design those machines based on your needs.  We will create preliminary 3D models for your approval and then make detail drawings, assemblies, and BOM’s for manufacturing.   FEA analysis and animations can be created as well.  We'll work with machine shops to get the best manufacturing quote for you so those costs will be known before anything is machined.  We'll be there beginning to end, bringing your ideas to fruition.


Improve Existing Designs

Your existing equipment may be working just fine but you have some ideas to make a component or sub-assembly perform better or last longer.  We'll listen to your needs, look at the current design and together we will figure out how to make things better for you. FEA analysis can be used if applicable and with over 20 years of design experience, we’ll help find a way to improve your machines so that it's working better for you, both efficiently and cost effectively.